We do have a selection of rental properties at the resort, if you are interested in renting, you can contact us on the website here or reach out to us in second life by contacting either Ford Lusch or Branwen Firanelli.
Below is a list of our rules and expectations as part of our covenant. These are here to ensure we can continue to deliver the quality and beauty of our island to both residents and visitors:
- All parcels come with music stream control, anti-cam privacy (optional) and security orbs. Your parcel will contain a radio for changing music streams.
- Ban lines are not permitted on any part of our islands and spaces.
- Terraforming is not allowed, to preserve the natural look that has been created for everyones pleasure.
- Breedables are not allowed, scripted animals are restricted to two per parcel.
- Please stick within the prim limit specified when you rent your parcel, existing furniture counts within your prim allowance.
- You must use the sky platform already provided for any sky homes you wish to add, your sky home will count in your prim allowance.
- If you need your home or sky home furnished, please let us know and we can help you.
- We reserve the right to remove any external decor that will not be complementary to the theme of our lands.
- As we are an adult island, adult furniture is allowed, however please remember our rules regarding decor when placing things at ground level. If in doubt, contact us or put it in your sky home.
- Please do not rez anything off sim or outside your parcel space.
- You are not allowed to rent your parcel to a 3rd party, if you wish to add co-tenants, please contact us.
- All rentals are residential only and business use is not permitted, please contact us if you are interested in having a store property.
- Please do not rez any items that cause lag or performance issues or disturb the sim either visually or audibly.
*Please respect visitors to the lands and other tenants with the same respect. Abusive or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. If you have any issues with any visitors or tenants, please report them to management.
- We reserve the right to reclaim the rental in any of the following situations, outstanding balances will not be refunded:
- Tier payments are late.
- Tenant are abusive to other tenants and visitors.
- Any of the rules above are continually broken despite warnings.